
Journey toward Cloud Development using Amazon Web Services (AWS)

This is my individual journey as I use several industry tools for publishing a website hosted on AWS. My goal was taking the fastest route (in my eyes) for spinning up a website. Others may find a faster path.

Preliminary Steps


I see AWS as a wave of the future for small and large businesses moving their operations to a Platform as a Service (PaaS) in their battle for reducing application development cost. The potential savings is huge as a company only pays for the services an organization uses when compared to the cost of maintaining a data center supported 24/7/365. Moreover, businesses who find an online business model cost prohibited now has another stream of revenue--online shopping through AWS.

Seeing the potential of this new wave of technology offered through AWS, I have embarked on my jouney of learning what it takes to bring up a site.

Jekyll and Jekyll Themes for Easy Site Creation

My first step was finding a way to building a website quickly. I came across a tool call Jekyll. It is a quick way of using Markdown and Liquid for quick site generation. It also provided me with a means on rebranding the standard theme to my specific needs and wishes. A key factor in my decision was the cost. These tools were free.

AWS Command Line Interface (CLI) for Creation and Manipulation of Website

AWS-CLI Amazon has create a very strong toolset for working with AWS from the command line. While it may not be the fastest way to upload files it provided a simple means of getting the files uploaded on the site.

Local Tools for Development of Site

When you first start looking at ways of keeping the cost down for developing a website on you own, your first thought is free or open-source tools. Here are some free tools I used in building my site. You may find more so please share.

  1. Visual Studio Code
  2. Git
  3. GIMP